Leaking Boot Site

Phase 1 Completed 2018
Private Developer

The scheme was granted planning approval in October 2015 and provides 15 four bed town houses, 4 three bed terraced houses and 2 two bed terraced houses arranged around a parking courtyard. Each dwelling has a private terrace or garden and each have a secure bin and bike store.
The design has been directly informed by the existing pattern of development on Grimsby Road. The western row boldly follows the ‘terrace line’ while the rows behind in essence create a raised cul-de-sac, providing an attractive court with associated landscaping. Similar to Murfin Court, the finished floor level of the units is 1000mm above the existing ground level in response to the flood risk assessment.

The scheme supports the aesthetic character of the surrounding streets drawing key features from the housing including pitched roofs, front gardens and recessed openings. The ‘Saw Tooth’ roof pattern of the proposal is an interpretation of the existing roof lines on Grimsby Road and the A-symmetry of the local terraced and semi-detached dwellings is also referenced within the schemes design.

The properties in the end terrace of townhouses facing Grimsby Road are clearly visible for pedestrians and drivers various treatments of the end gables were explored, creating interest through window arrangements and projecting brick details. These principles are then carried through for the whole of the site, establishing a number of focal points within the scheme.

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